Friday, July 19, 2013

Engine and Transmission (check)

Oh, here's what it looked like before:
Okay, the engine and transmission are all done. Above you see Adrian and Trevor, a father-son team at AMS that have had the engine for the last year and a bit. Maybe it’s just because I watch too much American Chopper, but every time I visited them I thought “when are they guys going to piss each other off and throw things….” But they’re completely the opposite. Everyday beavering away in the cramped shop, and the clutter belies a idiosyncratic filing system. They did a great job.


john said...

Well when do we get a drive
I have driven mine (Obviously)
"Hercules" Mike's, Rolly's
Well done, good to see your progress

Morris Man. said...

When is the next update Charlie? Its been a month since the last posting, something must have happened.

Paul Howell said...

Keep up the good work.